Did your doctor just suggest that you should consider cutting salt out of your diet? If so, your first inclination might be to throw your salt shaker away. You might be under the impression that doing that alone will stop you from taking in more salt than you should. However, often times, cutting out salt… Read more »
Category: Salt Shaker
Salt is just a habit, after a while without it you will start to taste the food not just the salt
Many who must give up salt (Dr. says) find it very difficult to enjoy the food without salt. It takes time, on average (depending on how much you cheat) about 3 months for the taste buds to adjust to food without salt and know that if the food seasoned properly it can be enjoyed. Yes,… Read more »
Doc Says No More Salt…What Can I Do?
First step: Take the salt shaker off the table and don’t add salt to your cooking. Just don’t do it. Tip: You don’t need to add salt to water when cooking potatoes, rice, pasta or even oatmeal. Your toppings will be enough to flavor them. Just eliminating salt from the table and your cooking is… Read more »
The Doctor Says “No Salt” Now What?
Hi Everybody, Debbie Benson hereā¦ This is where I can tell you about what I know, what I have found out, and here I can also rant a bit. Since I was a little girl I have been aware of sodium, both high and low levels, as you learned in my first Season-It Newsletter 3… Read more »